
SLB News

[Financial News] SeouLin Bioscience signed a partnership with Becton Dickinson and Company

SeouLin Bioscience (hereinafter SeouLin Bio) signed a partnership contract with Becton Dickinson and Company (hereinafter BD).
According to an official from SeouLin Bio, the company recently signed a partnership contract with BD, a global company located in New Jersey, US. BD is a healthcare company that provides medical technology solutions such as medical research, genomics, infectious diseases, cancer diagnosis, and infection prevention.
SeouLin Bio has supplied flow cytometry equipment and reagents to domestic bio researchers through this partnership.
Flow cytometry is a rapid analysis technique of various cells and beads with particle properties in a fluid state. It can be applied to △Stem cell formation and differentiation research △Immune cell characteristics and function research, △Gene expression, △Microorganism research, △Microorganism measurement quality control and water quality control.
SeouLin Bio said, “Through this contract, we will supply high-end products to bio companies, university research centers. We expect to increase our sales by strengthening sales network with the new hospital customers that diagnoses patient’s disease.”

[fn종목 돋보기] 서린바이오, 글로벌 브랜드 'BD'와 파트너십 체결 "매출 확대 기대" 파이낸셜뉴스 last modified June 3, 2021, accessed July 1, 2021,